It's definitely firefighter stalking day. I'm bored to tears with it and also find it sickening and frightening so while I KNOW it's fascinating reading I'm just going to say this: WHY do all the firefighters in my hood suddenly find that skateboarding in front of my car or standing in the middle of the street (given they have an ENTIRE BUILDING AND AN APRON in front of the stalking station) to have their conversations as I drive by is de rigeur?? Why is that, fellas??
LOL !!
CaptainRuss peeing on himself with misery at his idiocy? Well, ya have choices. You could JUST STOP. Look up stop. It's after shit and before stupid in the dictionary. just stop.
CaptainRuss peeing on himself with misery at his idiocy? Well, ya have choices. You could JUST STOP. Look up stop. It's after shit and before stupid in the dictionary. just stop.
Anyway, so I wanted to see WHICH of the thugs had hopped themself into this truck to DRIVE MY EXACT ROUTE (and not for the first time, mind you -- all on video over and over again) which I drive EVERY SATURDAY same time same bat channel EVERY SATURDAY. LOL ...
but can you believe I can still be surprised???
I looked over to see which one .... because as I predicted it took itself off the interstate just where I said it would (oh by the way no this does not always go on on Saturday, there's a great and OBVIOUS variety in their stalking, keyword being OBVIOUS)
and to my surprise it was neither one but the guy looked VERY FAMILIAR. VERY.
But, I'm not sure if I've ever seen him before.
He had this slick, unappealing, GETTIN AWAY WITH MURDER grin slathered on his face and after some minutes I realized that he looked just like those guys who are putting one over on the cops. You know, slick serial killers who are laughing in the face of the cops as they interview them? Knowing full well the cops don't have enough proof and the cops KNOW they are the murderer but they're going to get away with it and they're LAUGHING RIGHT IN THEIR FACES at the triumph of getting away with murder AND tricking the cops. THAT LOOK. I have lately been watching (can you believe it?? ME? Watching TV???) some cops shows. They all have that same look when they're lying about murder. When they know the cops know ... and they know where the bodies are .... and they are like jacking-off in their minds over all of the excitement of the hunt, the kill, the TRIUMPH??

THAT was what was familiar. Just THE FACE. Because we all know at the Voxers that they work hand in hand with cops, corporations, etc ..... and that their feeling of triumph is almost over ... enjoy it while it lasts.
He's probably a nice looking guy but that chilling SMILE. Good lord. Maybe he's just another fine actor.
I have a suggestion like I told the little boys who used to grin at me all dangerous and instead came off as degenerate rapists: Practice the face in a mirror (if you can see yourself, that is)
I have a suggestion like I told the little boys who used to grin at me all dangerous and instead came off as degenerate rapists: Practice the face in a mirror (if you can see yourself, that is)
I wasn't here five minutes (hello to my personal stalker) and off they went. Soon as I hit publish and they read that last post OFF THEY WENT AGAIN.
Do the Tampa Cops and the Tampa Firemen do ANYTHING besides read my blog and my comments in the Tampa Trib anymore??? Sitting in their cruiser looking for a crime cause theire AIN'T NO CRIME IN PAMPA anymore, just ask her. No baby, there's NO REPORTING OF CRIME. THEY WILL NOT LET YOU FILE A REPORT since she hired the new police chief she searched the world over for ....
Do the Tampa Cops and the Tampa Firemen do ANYTHING besides read my blog and my comments in the Tampa Trib anymore??? Sitting in their cruiser looking for a crime cause theire AIN'T NO CRIME IN PAMPA anymore, just ask her. No baby, there's NO REPORTING OF CRIME. THEY WILL NOT LET YOU FILE A REPORT since she hired the new police chief she searched the world over for ....
Nope, after they finish all the cigars and look over the lastest porn, I am all that is on their agenda.
Even the Hyde Park rapist moved to Melbourne.
Well, that's okay. Gasparilla's here again.
Maybe some lovely young lady can get RAPED AND THEN ARRESTED when she tries to report the crime.
Then a week later a LOCAL BLOGGER will have to make the discovery that ANOTHER GASPARILLA RAPE was committed and then covered up by Tampa U AND the Tampa Police Dept.
I never even blogged the other day when I photographed almost THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS of your money standing around doing nothing but STALKING ME.
AND, folks, this is all in the interest of SAVING MONEY for some thug developer that's used to murdering and maiming and threatening people out of what they want.
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