Saturday, February 16, 2008

the infrared and the donald

Like, The Heiress LIKE LOVES THE DONALD because ... his service is almost the fastest.

Other than the relentless lil thing who is eaten up with unfounded jealousy over the happiness not found in their own sad lil family. That's purty fast, too.

Anyway ... yeah, I just wanted to mention that ya already DID the whole robbery thang. In REAL LIFE AND IN THE story peoples' world. Yeah.

And, I hope I don't have to dredge up all the times that you ROBBED MY MOTHER (more times than you BURNT OUR HOUSES DOWN, even) so that I can prove that statistically ... yeah, there's no way that anyone else in the world better come near my family again.


And, if they do ... so WHAT??

whoo hoooo, I'll have it all back and ya know it.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Heiress and the Photo play by play

Like wherever I go ... initially it's a very nice place. Soon, if I hang around for any length of time like you'll watch it turn into a homeless and a thug and a fireman sunstar deathbox paramedic star tattoo mecca.

Even online.

Like, the heiress SO GETS that people in Tampa (those who never left and those who went off and studied their craft and slithered back to the only hole they'll ever really know) want to shut others up.

Does like ANYONE ELSE think it's so odd that none of those big blogger meetups have gone on since the like Heiress didn't show up for the ones that happened like when the heiress and the voxers first burst on the smarmy Tampa blog scene??

L O L.

You can't intimidate me.

You can keep gunnning for the younger people but I've had that all figured out for like a really long time.

The Heiress senses that some think the Heiress doesn't know how succession works.

L O L.

I'm sorry that your self-esteem is so LOW and your FEAR so high that you do what you are told all day.

How's that working out for you?


Monday, February 4, 2008

whoring out your children

ha !! Either my wording caught on or .... I picked up on a vibe ...
cause here's some youtube on it....................

Courtesy of VirgoText

Seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding who 'lil R' is. WoW. But, still, the service is MAGNIFICAGORICAL !!!!

Better than bugs.

Yall are so easy to bait.

It's like playing chess with a rooster.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

lil R and the super bowl

Yer daddy had to like pile ya into the like car today cause like the boss and like his fire thugs are like busy with the like superbowl.

You had real potential. Don't waste it.

One day you're going to realize what all is missing and contrary to familial belief you're keeping tons of sick secrets, probably molested in some way AND you were robbed.

That's sad.

Out of all of them for some reason .. you're one of my favorites.

Oh, you're a terrible liar and actress.

Just sayin.

BUT, you have many fetching qualities despite the fact that you fall short as a decent human being.

That's not your fault. Yet.

But like soon it will be.

Take care of yourself.

The Heiress sooooooooooooo appreciates quick service.

But, your family would know all about that.

Service to the man is their hallmark.

whooo hooooo.

maybe get your head out of fantasy land and .... look into your heart.

Good luck.

I love ya.

Take care.

I know you run home to read this and didn't want to disappoint you.

Tip of the hat.

You really had potential.

I hope you don't waste it all on carny/biker tricks ...

life is for MORE.

Look around.

Don't forget. Don't be fooled. While many other people are doing WHAT THEY WANT you are doing WHAT YOU ARE TOLD.

You can look at it as a combo trip all you like. YOu know as well as I do that you're doing what you're told.

So proud.

Friday, February 1, 2008

The B boys on the block street


The elmo twins crack me UP.

And that big black dude is like even FUNNIER.

oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh like the heiress is NOT ASKEERED Of black and like brown people.

OR anyone else for that matter.

What works for me??

That EACH ONE OF YOU looks more perverted than the next.

You see how many ways that works for me, correct????

one example of HUNDREDS.

Cause like when you were failing high school home ec I was like thinking like about things ....

and while you were smoking through shop I was still thinking about things ....

AND, while I was passed out from whatever ..... I was STILL LEARNING.

And, yknow what you were doing??

Apparently like you were NOT LOOKING IN THE MIRROR and seeing that every last one of you looks like degenerate rapists.
I'm sure you're NOT degenerate rapists; in fact, I'm sure that MOST OF YOU rarely have (if ever) sex.

BEcause NO ONE COULD BE GETTING LAID and still act like you do.
Enjoy your day.
THanks for the laughs.
Yall are an endless source of material but I am busy with other things.
#1 I'm busy reading up on the sex offender laws.
L O L.
tried to tellya nicely.
How bout all the video i got of that idjit you like ... think is like your boss???

What's he done for you lately anyway????

I mean I DO have eyes.
Yer just scared.
Yer little wienie boys scared.

you all are a laugh a minute.
See ya next Friday.

like ... the lack of like imagination.

seriously ... have you people SO LITTLE imagination>>>>>???

Let's see how long this lasts .. like, cause guess what?? L O L.

Do I have to remind you AGAIN??

hor out your children like all you want.

BUT, the quit claim deed will win the day.

Just a friendly reminder.

Slither in as far as you like but you'll find your ugly lil heads squeezed off.