Sunday, February 3, 2008

lil R and the super bowl

Yer daddy had to like pile ya into the like car today cause like the boss and like his fire thugs are like busy with the like superbowl.

You had real potential. Don't waste it.

One day you're going to realize what all is missing and contrary to familial belief you're keeping tons of sick secrets, probably molested in some way AND you were robbed.

That's sad.

Out of all of them for some reason .. you're one of my favorites.

Oh, you're a terrible liar and actress.

Just sayin.

BUT, you have many fetching qualities despite the fact that you fall short as a decent human being.

That's not your fault. Yet.

But like soon it will be.

Take care of yourself.

The Heiress sooooooooooooo appreciates quick service.

But, your family would know all about that.

Service to the man is their hallmark.

whooo hooooo.

maybe get your head out of fantasy land and .... look into your heart.

Good luck.

I love ya.

Take care.

I know you run home to read this and didn't want to disappoint you.

Tip of the hat.

You really had potential.

I hope you don't waste it all on carny/biker tricks ...

life is for MORE.

Look around.

Don't forget. Don't be fooled. While many other people are doing WHAT THEY WANT you are doing WHAT YOU ARE TOLD.

You can look at it as a combo trip all you like. YOu know as well as I do that you're doing what you're told.

So proud.

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