Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dear Mr. Beee

Listen, nothing personal.

I've heard from ONE person that you're a very nice man with a good heart. Never asked, don't p articularly give a shit.

But, you've gone out of your way, danced down my aisle, plundered into my child's life you know -- taken liberties that most women would SCREAM RAPE and have your ass carted away. I"m not like that.

I admit you're slick. For all I know you ARE a helluva guy. But, your actions aren't shrieking that much. You know?

Now you and ... yknow ... might find it swell easy to fool a child. I'm watching the manipulation. I'm watching. I've also written it all down and you know ... well LMAO... shockingly enough there's some folks want a bite out of you. I don't. BUT, now, say I was a huge, major cunt like yknow ... well, let's let em remain nameless. This stream-of-consciousness thinking is murder.

I'm watching.

I've given you every fair chance to back the fuck up off OR state your piece. State it or go the fuck away cause if it's a fight you want ... we can go.

Get ready.

Oh and you should know ... you're wasting yer time. LMAO. Wrong brother in law. Wrong child.


How many more mistakes can you afford?

From where I"m sitting it's kinda more like I'd be the person you'd want IN your field not ... yknow ... plundering the holy fuckarooney.

FYI: I once found a person in less than 12 minutes knowing nothing more about them than they were in sight of a certain object. Could have been hundreds of places. First I looked.

If I want something ... it's mine.

I just thought you should know that.

So we can continue on and on and on and on and on on nonnononfadlk;n;fands;lkfna;sldfnj;afdn foreva.

You can even kill me.

You will be one sorry motherfucker if so. LMAO.

And sorrier than that what else will go on.

I just thought you should know that while I try to remain in high humor I've not been much impressed.

ANYONE can do what you have done.

I've never EVER met anyone who is capable of the things that I am.

So, now that we're both on the goddamn chessboard ... are you going to speak or go the fuck away???

One or the other or .. yknow it's the whole war alternative.

How embarrassing for you and every goddawful piece of shit you entertain when you find out what I've known all along.

Simple pleasures for simple minds.

Kindly take my advice and remove yourself immediately. I do not like your moral-less existence.

I don't mind that it DOES exist but the lies are catching up to you and I don't like to see my child disappointed.

Now, your own ... is this the first chase-down property take over murder for them or ... has it been a learning process?

Because it may not be THE FIRST but I ASSURE YOU it's the end of the motherfucking road.

Please don't take the cursing personally.

People tend to do that when you fuck with their family.

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