Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Heiress and the Poisoners

Poisoning is not really even something I've ever given much thought until I realized I had been poisoned a number of times. Now I'm more cautious and I speak of it because there may be a LOT of you out there who think it's just the flu or a virus or maybe something else ... food poisoning I think would be very similar.

If you've ever been a server in a restaurant or even KNOWN a server in a restaurant you're well aware that when servers get ANGRY that they will do some very odious things to peoples' food. Which kinda always makes me order carefully in restaurants or split dishes with people. I actually try to do that alot for variety.

Imagine that they do this on purpose. They do. And, for me to remain silent about it would make me complicit.

So, in the interest of full disclosure I'm going to talk about it some because if you remember back when I blogged about getting new neighbors (and OF COURSE my predictions came true just the little guy didn't want to make me feel TOO SMART but he rounded the corner right with my words and then true to form his errrrr 'tenants/gangmember friends' were videotaped tossing something into my yard B444GX and then bolted just as the one who called code enforcement and then BOLTED. So, there's another instance of the same which sets quite a pattern, eh?
Yeah it do.

Anyway, they poisoned the dog (AGAIN) and I think she was very sick this time. Also there was some talk of the amount of prison time they would be serving and then the packing started. Doesn't matter. You'll be picked up wherever you're at. So ya know.

Repeat crimes usually become felonies. ANd, besides that .. you ARE PIGS. Too much of a pansy to walk up and talk but 'man' enough to poison an animal and a child.

828.08. Penalty for exposing poison
Whoever leaves or deposits any poison or any substance containing poison, in any common street, alley, lane, or thoroughfare of any kind, or in any yard or enclosure other than the yard or enclosure occupied or owned by such person, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

So ... the spin up to the whole thing is that they were trying to kill this beautiful little animal but NOT BEFORE they spun up some dissension about same.

The thing is once this is taken care of they think they will burn down the house, blow it up, break in ... do any manner of things.

Carry on.

The magical people will only let you go so far.

I don't notice your friends the firefighters taking the heat for poisoning animals.

And, unlike you, they CAN"T RUN.

I know you didn't go very far ......

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Thugs R Us

It's definitely firefighter stalking day. I'm bored to tears with it and also find it sickening and frightening so while I KNOW it's fascinating reading I'm just going to say this: WHY do all the firefighters in my hood suddenly find that skateboarding in front of my car or standing in the middle of the street (given they have an ENTIRE BUILDING AND AN APRON in front of the stalking station) to have their conversations as I drive by is de rigeur?? Why is that, fellas??

LOL !!
CaptainRuss peeing on himself with misery at his idiocy? Well, ya have choices. You could JUST STOP. Look up stop. It's after shit and before stupid in the dictionary. just stop.

Anyway, so I wanted to see WHICH of the thugs had hopped themself into this truck to DRIVE MY EXACT ROUTE (and not for the first time, mind you -- all on video over and over again) which I drive EVERY SATURDAY same time same bat channel EVERY SATURDAY. LOL ...

but can you believe I can still be surprised???

I looked over to see which one .... because as I predicted it took itself off the interstate just where I said it would (oh by the way no this does not always go on on Saturday, there's a great and OBVIOUS variety in their stalking, keyword being OBVIOUS)

and to my surprise it was neither one but the guy looked VERY FAMILIAR. VERY.

But, I'm not sure if I've ever seen him before.

He had this slick, unappealing, GETTIN AWAY WITH MURDER grin slathered on his face and after some minutes I realized that he looked just like those guys who are putting one over on the cops. You know, slick serial killers who are laughing in the face of the cops as they interview them? Knowing full well the cops don't have enough proof and the cops KNOW they are the murderer but they're going to get away with it and they're LAUGHING RIGHT IN THEIR FACES at the triumph of getting away with murder AND tricking the cops. THAT LOOK. I have lately been watching (can you believe it?? ME? Watching TV???) some cops shows. They all have that same look when they're lying about murder. When they know the cops know ... and they know where the bodies are .... and they are like jacking-off in their minds over all of the excitement of the hunt, the kill, the TRIUMPH??

THAT was what was familiar. Just THE FACE. Because we all know at the Voxers that they work hand in hand with cops, corporations, etc ..... and that their feeling of triumph is almost over ... enjoy it while it lasts.

He's probably a nice looking guy but that chilling SMILE. Good lord. Maybe he's just another fine actor.
I have a suggestion like I told the little boys who used to grin at me all dangerous and instead came off as degenerate rapists: Practice the face in a mirror (if you can see yourself, that is)
I wasn't here five minutes (hello to my personal stalker) and off they went. Soon as I hit publish and they read that last post OFF THEY WENT AGAIN.

Do the Tampa Cops and the Tampa Firemen do ANYTHING besides read my blog and my comments in the Tampa Trib anymore??? Sitting in their cruiser looking for a crime cause theire AIN'T NO CRIME IN PAMPA anymore, just ask her. No baby, there's NO REPORTING OF CRIME. THEY WILL NOT LET YOU FILE A REPORT since she hired the new police chief she searched the world over for ....
Nope, after they finish all the cigars and look over the lastest porn, I am all that is on their agenda.

Even the Hyde Park rapist moved to Melbourne.

Well, that's okay. Gasparilla's here again.
Then a week later a LOCAL BLOGGER will have to make the discovery that ANOTHER GASPARILLA RAPE was committed and then covered up by Tampa U AND the Tampa Police Dept.
I never even blogged the other day when I photographed almost THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS of your money standing around doing nothing but STALKING ME.

AND, folks, this is all in the interest of SAVING MONEY for some thug developer that's used to murdering and maiming and threatening people out of what they want.

UPDATE on Confidential

So ..... if you're keeping up here and I just know you are. Well, I KNOW that the Tampa Fire Dept and the Tampa Police Dept and the vaunted Hillsborough County Sheriff ARE.

Listen guys, I take back all the times I corrected people when they called you PIGS. I do sooooooo get it now. I was just naive.

At any rate, I have inquired (and inquired) as to what the difference is between a confidential listing with the Hillsborough County Property Appraisers Office and merely leaving the owners' name(s) off as was done in the past for a ..... (see attached email queries)

NO reply.

NO reply.

Aren't you Interested??? Because I know it's damned interesting to me. I am being stalked and pursued and THREATENED. This is a violent act done in a hands-off (so far) manner. I think that almost any woman should be afforded protection if she wants to not have her name and address listed in open records (which is what I actually allueded to in a previous post; the fact that the NEOCONS have figured out that the property appraisal open listings is giving people a GOOD BASE to find out the scams they are up to and they're starting to delist them across the country. I DO KNOW that when the trouble first started around my house ... well, never mind.. and anyway I should say when I first noticed it .............. PIGS)
So, there's been no reply to numerous requests. Now, I happen to know that on Richards Ave there lives a more or less seemingly psychotic woman who is the wife or or something herself which would inspire a BLANK (NOT CONFIDENTIAL BUT BLANK) listing.

Okay, it's been awhile since I blogged this OR looked it up but here's the deal ... it's not LEFT BLANK AT ALL, it's simply NOT LISTED.

If you look at this page you will see that at least two numbers are missing. (and there are houses with those numbers because some woman and her mate or whatever DOES STILL LIVE THERE) Now, I happen to know that this woman operates out of one of the missing numbers and also has something to do with the house on the corner where there are also numerous code violations all unserved. Selective code enforcement rears it's ugly head again.

They do not appear on the property records list because of (and I quote from the email I DID receive which did not answer my question but this is information that is readily available on the website of the HCPA as well)

So .... that's okay. I still wonder what protection she qualifies for when obviously it is CITIZENS who need protection from HER. I did not follow her you see. She followed me MANY MANY blocks and then blocked my car in and all of this with a child in the car.

I think I'm well within my rights to wonder what kind of psycho this is and who she is in the event of anything else going on. After SHE followd me she claimed she took my tag # and reported it so ... I called myself and reported hers. Nothing ever came of it but it's all on videotape including her leaving her car and accosting me. Understand I've never seen this woman before IN MY LIFE.

SO .... these properties are located a BREATH from the fire dept on neptune behind the publix. You could toss a small rock into the yard of any of her properties if you were standing at the fire station. It kinda leads me to wonder if she is the wife of a firefighter and ALSO a touch psychotic. Because you should have SEEN her marching up to my car. I mean it was ... unbelievable. But all on video so ..... whatever. It was scary.

The similarities between THAT and what is happening in my own neighborhood with the firefreaks OR paramedics of the deathboxes owning all the properties surrounding their station AND also working with the city to threaten ME out of mine AND also the nephew of a Tampa Fireman assigned to the station by my house calling and threatening to burn my house down and also associated with some younger family members who have suddenly started doing some strange business after four and a half years of relative normalcy all add up to I THINK IT"S MY DAMN BUSINESS AND YOURS TO FIND OUT WHAT THE HELL IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CONFIDENTIAL AND MERELY LEAVING THE NAME OFF THE PROPERTY LISTING.

Because, if leaving the name off conceals some psycho broad who will hop in her car and trail A WOMAN AND CHILD MANY BLOCKS what in the name of FUCK ME must Confidential CONCEAL?? THE high reich-master???

I think you should want to know.

Here's the emails I sent. And the ONE reply I received from three emails. Cut and pasted from the website but NO answer to my question.

What does confidential CONCEAL that merely leaving the name off the website does not?


Because, don't forget -- after The Heiress is out of the picture SOMEONE WILL BE NEXT.


You'll notice that this email was sent WEDNESDAY Jan. 16th. Apparently it was too confusing or TOO EXACTING. I"m guessing the latter. But, I'm sending it again and then a follow up phone call will be forthcoming. FUCK THEM. They cannot KEEP SECRETS from the public. It is the public's right to know what is going on with those folks we pay to run this city. It's a simple series of questions. I've been stalked by a woman with a blank listing. I want to know what a confidential listing is.

From Fairy Tale Trash Wed Jan 16 09:28:12 2008
from [] by web55702.mail.re3.yahoo.com via HTTP; Wed, 16 Jan 2008 09:28:12 PST
Wed, 16 Jan 2008 09:28:12 -0800 (PST)
"Fairy Tale Trash" View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Fwd: RE: confidential listing

I did never receive a reply to this email so I am making sure that it was received as the replies from your office are normally very timely. I have made only three inquiries to your office in the past but each time the query was answered in much less than 24 hours.Thanks for your time. Sorry if this is a duplication. Please answer my questions as outlined below. Thank you

COPY OF QUESTIONS FROM ORIGINAL EMAIL WHICH REMAIN UNANSWERED:Is this a new designation?? The 'confidential' one?
My question is relating to the fact that in the past the owner's name was merely EMPTY or left blank with only the address showing. This listing is astrikked and starred and CAPPED CONFIDENTIAL.
A) Is this a new procedure or

B) is there a difference in the owner's name section being left blank and the VERY LARGE capped word CONFIDENTIAL.
That was what I was wondering.
C) Is there any difference between the 'protected' status and the 'confidential' status

D) such as someone is buying up a group of properties for investment?

E) And, as well, when did this 'listing' change?

As I said, in the past I have noticed the blank ones. I'm sorry if I did not differentiate well enough.Thanks again for your time, Mr.Milbourn

Fairy Tale Trash wrote:
From Fairy Tale Trash Tue Jan 15 07:33:51 2008Received: from [] by web55710.mail.re3.yahoo.com via HTTP; Tue, 15 Jan 2008 07:33:51 PSTDate: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 07:33:51 -0800 (PST)From: Fairy Tale Trash fairy_taletrash@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: confidential listingTo: CustServ In-Reply-To: <19b89e0e8e51674096d847d1401cb94e10caf9dc@propex.hcpa.local>MIME-Version: 1.0Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-890585483-1200411231=:85345"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bitContent-Length: 8292
Mr. Milbourn
Thank you. That, in part answers my question. Is this a new designation?? The 'confidential' one?
My question is relating to the fact that in the past the owner's name was merely EMPTY or left blank with only the address showing. This listing is astrikked and starred and CAPPED CONFIDENTIAL.
Is this a new procedure or is there a difference in the owner's name section being left blank and the VERY LARGE capped word CONFIDENTIAL.
That was what I was wondering. Is there any difference between the 'protected' status and the 'confidential' status such as someone is buying up a group of properties for investment? And, as well, when did this 'listing' change? As I said, in the past I have noticed the blank ones. I'm sorry if I did not differentiate well enough.Thanks again for your time, Mr.Milbourn CustServ wrote:
#yiv663248751 P {MARGIN-TOP:0px;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0px;}
Pursuant to Section 119.07(3)(I), Florida Statutes, the following individuals may request protected address status: law enforcement personnel, firefighters, personnel of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services whose duties include the investigation of abuse, neglect, exploitation, fraud, theft or other criminal activities, state attorneys, assistant state attorneys, district court of appeal judges, circuit court judges, county court judges, county and municipal code inspectors, and code enforcement officers. An application form is available upon request from this office. Please let us know if we may be of further assistance.

Marco Millbourn
Sr. Customer Service Representative
From: Fairy Tale Trash [fairy_taletrash@yahoo.com]Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 5:10 PMTo: CustServSubject: confidential listing
To Whom it May Concern,

In the past while perusing the property appraiser's site I have come across designations where a name is witheld from a property or 'redacted' perhaps. THIS is the very first I have seen of this 'confidential' listing.

Could you enlighten me on exactly what is confidential and how/why one acquires, desires or qualifies for such a listing on the property appraiser's website?I would like to apply for such a listing if that is possible. I am aware that certain civil servants qualify to have their names witheld but this listing is different from friends I know whose names are not listed because they are firefighters or police. Thank you for your time in this matter.

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Friday, January 18, 2008

The Heiress and DA FUZZ

Well, if YOU want the attention of the Tampa Police Dept in all their errrrrrrrrrr glory, please read here, agree that they are CORRUPT and then travel down Himes .....

#1 was in front of me all the way .... and then at Kennedy???? The Heiress should have a chauffeur because street names elude her .... they met in a THREE POINT. The one coming toward was a BIT BEHIND but also unable to get the car # it was going so fast and it was one of the new styles so The Heiress believes that it was likely car 103.

I LOVE the #1 .... that one appeared a couple months ago much to my mirth.

How dirty boys get clean?? Certainly NOT by becoming Tampa Police People.

at any rate the one to the left was 346 and the one to the right was 953. I'll have to verify that with observer but usually my info is good.

SO, that's four cops participating in duck duck goose with the lovely chick who called them corrupt not three hours before hand and then went to starbucks for a few hours ... At their earliest opportunity they showed us their stuff.

At any rate, it's like with those old-fashioned movies where they do the synchronized swimming. I imagine this is what it looks like around my car from the air.

Bobby Fischer

The Heiress is not surprised and actually predicted this death.

Bobby spoke out very strongly against his government.

Those people DISAPPEAR !!!!!

RIP, Mr. Fischer.

You created at least TEN chess players in my family.

Chess, the judo of the mind.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Heiress and the Fireman

Seems The Heiress has picked up a new .... errrr ..... trailer??? Follower. That's the word.

I can understand that. I am JOB SECURITY<>

Also, does anyone else WONDER how the Tampa Police Dept are claiming (for god's sake) yet ANOTHER TEN PERCENT drop in crime (reporting LOL yeah like I said before TRY TO REPORT A CRIME. Good luck) and yet still we need more cops??
After that RUBBER STAMP of their 'crime stats' by the FDLE they figure : SAY ANYTHING we have a rubber stamp behind us.

I'm going to ask CaptainRuss. But check out that nose. You know what they say about when your nose grows, right??
AND, if you get bored instead of following me around you guys can always film real live nekkid gals right in the showers in the stalking I mean uhhhh FIRE/SHOWER station.


Stalked his own trainee and video'd her in the shower.


All Recent Media News Iraq Afghanistan Iran Politics Entertainment Celebrity Citizen Journalism

Firefighter Videotapes Woman In Shower.
EAGLE LAKE, FL -- Detectives are conducting a forensic investigation of Matthew Cothron’s computer after the Polk County firefighter admitted to recording a six- to ten-second video clip of a female paramedic in the shower at the Eagle Lake fire station.

Cothron was charged with video voyeurism for the October 13 incident.

Assistant Fire Chief Rick Parnell says the video was shot through the bottom left-hand corner of a bathroom window, where a few mini-blinds had broken off.

The woman noticed the glare of the lens in the window, Parnell said, and yelled for the person to go away.

“I made a mistake,” Cothron explained in a phone interview with Tampa Bay’s 10. “I was the stupid one who took [the video].”

That night, Cothron said, he left the fire house for his nightly ritual. He locked his car in the fire station parking lot, and started walking around the side of the building. He was planning to go to the Circle K across U.S. 17 for his usual energy drink and “a big cookie” like he does every night.

But before he could cross the street, Cothron explained, he saw a light in one of the windows and couldn’t resist the urge to press record.

In statements under oath, Parnell said, Cothron also admitted to cutting the hole in the mini-blinds himself.

For Parnell, the news was a tough blow. He’s been a mentor to Cothron since the 25-year-old first worked as a volunteer firefighter.

“This is one of those things that not in your wildest dreams you would ever imagine. Matt… was a very good employee up to this point. No indication whatsoever of anything like this,” Parnell said. He also indicated that Cothron’s employee file is completely clean.

Cothron is married with a young son. He says his wife walked out on him when she heard the news.

An arraignment is set for December 5.

It's REALLY FUNNY because now CaptainRuss wants VERY VERY MUCH for me to believe he is NOT Captain Russ of the Tampa Fire Dept. HE wants this SO MUCH that he posted until he got my attention and then that was the FIRST THING HE SAID.

Ya wanna know WHY?? Because his knowledge of his buddies' stalking of a woman and children just set them up BUT GOOD.

LOL !!!

Sorry CaptainRuss, maybe you shouldn't have been so rude to me. You guys think it's funny to terrorize women and children FOR MONEY.


Monday, January 14, 2008

Personal Body Boy

Seems The Heiress has picked up a personal body-boy. Officer Pudder has taken it upon himself to like seemingly like protect and/or follow The Heiress like up and down Gandy and up and down other parts of South Tampa. The Heiress is like under the impression that like perhaps Officer Pudder likes what he sees in the (I SWEAR TO GOD)

Paris Blues that The Heiress wears so well.

What ELSE could it be that would cause an Officer of the laughable law in Tampa home of tainted water TO CERTAIN HOMES and other various and sundry corruption to follow and observe The Heiress from place to place. CVS to Walgreen's to ... the whatever that place is that The Heiress is forced to pump her own petrol. (name??) I know something about the place that yeah, I'm saving.

Anyhooooo, it was interesting to visit CVS (one block from the Target of ILL REPUTE of yesterday) and then to quickly exit after not finding desired item and to drive across street just past the back entrance to CVS where yes there was NO COP. (LOL)

and then to exit the Walgreen's EVEN MORE QUICKLY to see Officer Pudderly-Friendly observing one The Heiress from behind the CVS where The Heiress had just been visiting.

The Heiress is richly complimented and believes if many 'men' in Tampa had as much brains as they perceive themselves to have BALLS .... well, things would be different.

Much love today,

The Heiress
OH and some shanky shit going on down to the ... errrrrrrr property appraiser's office. BIG SURPRISE THERE.

What the HECK is a CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY?????????????

IS this something new since The Heiress has been poking around about how and why the firefighters' property is DELISTED since they're SUCH HEROES and since it's like a QUADRILLION DOLLAR HOME .... it would have to be someone with a little change .... and everyone will know who lives there if it's someone so CONFIDENTIAL they inspire a NEW TYPE OF LISTING. As noted in the lady who stalked The Heiress to the public library and when The Heiress went to find out who that wack job was she found her home (on Richards) to be DELISTED and all the properties around her the same. AND, the plethora of code violations from all the tarps no doubt hiding TONS of stolen other property by whomever is living there DELISTED but feels well-protected enough to stalk The Heiress MANY BLOCKS through south tampa. That is SO going on youtube TOO.

Time keeps on slippin slippin slippin into the future .....

Officer Friendly .. WHY stick your neck out like that??

It's not MY fault you stalk The Heiress. It's your own. Them Paris Blues ain't behind your wheel, baby.

OR, are they?????

Something's driving you .. and it's driving you around after The Heiress. The Heiress only has a FEW THINGS: Children and property. WHICH IS IT THAT YOU WANT??????????????????

ALways up for a guess with these low low low low low low low folks in Tampa.

I'll figure it out soon enough.

Much love,

Paris Blues and The Heiress

Saturday, January 12, 2008

A message for Mr. Q

UPDATE: Had to look it up to make sure

ARSON THIRTY YEARS and about how MANY of yall on the hook for that?? LMAO !!! T. I told you WAY back you were messing with the WRONG ONE. I meant it.

hey babe, you're on the short list, now.


The Heiress smells smoke and she DOES have the most delicate nose. Wow this goes back to the CJ5.




All yall hooked up like convicts on a chain.

LMAO !!!

The Heiress enjoys a rollicking sense of humor.

Can anyone spell ... GOTCHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stalking the Heiress

Oh heavens, the fireboys and their thugs AND their cops. All in one day. WHOO HOOO usually they spread this out in firemen then cop then citizen stalking.

It's because The Heiress is leaving the relationship.

Here's what's funny.

The Heiress understands the DANGER of leaving bad relationships. Certainly beautiful Heiresses sometimes choose the wrong men and are forced to take their leave.

OR, maybe the Heiress had no plans to do same and now KNOWS JUST WHAT SHE NEEDED TO KNOW AND SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE.

LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get up earlier, minions.

I'm still way way ahead.

I'm The Heiress. It pays to have connections.

It pays to be beautiful.


Whooo hooo was today EVER a helpful day.

Thank you so much.

Heiresses have that kinda luck.

Two flashes of a beautiful smile for you, today. You amused me GREATLY.

Friday, January 11, 2008

This is MY song from the wannabes

The Heiress issues a grand smile of amusement.

Thank you, attentive audience

I see you, you see me
watch you blowin' the lines when you're making a scene
Oh girl, you've got to know
what my head overlooks
the senses will show to my heart
when it's watching for lies
you can't escape my
Private Eyes
they're watching you
they see your every move
Private Eyes
they're watching you
Private Eyes
they're watching you watching you watching you watching you

You play with words you play with love
you can twist it around baby that ain't enough
cause girl I'm gonna know
if you're letting me in or letting me go
don't lie when you're hurting inside
'cause you can't escape my
Private Eyes
they're watching you
they see your every move
Private Eyes
they're watching you
Private Eyes
they're watching you watching you watching you watching you

Why you try to put up a front for me
I'm a spy but on your side you see
Slip on, into any disguise
I'll still know you
look into my Private Eyes

Today this fireboy followed me a long way but wouldn't pull up next to me because I was videotaping him. When he was finally FORCED to get next to me I swear to god he looked like any thug on ANY corner. Dislike sounding judgmental.

Can anyone in the viewing audience GUESS why he would avoid getting next to my car???


THEN his brave self turned off at the next corner.

HE was wearing one of those new york beaded look sparkly hats.

Real MANLY babe.

Get a life, man.

The Heiress disses you for that .... if you wanna tail me around and try to scare me or take my life privacy at least be MANLY about it. BE PROUD.

Smile grandly for the camera.
I know you know cause I've seen you too many times.


The Heiress

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Make you Realize this

Heiresses: we're a funny lot. Through history there've been a wack lot of us, many MANY philanthropists and then, of course, there's Paris Hilton.

Like Paris' grandfather, mine left me all I'll ever need.

Today, the swine bought this poor homeless guy some beer so that he'd target me for some change. I kinda have a standing rule. When I want to hand out money, I do so.

When I'm targeted, I never do. Of course they don't need MY money. Some fireman or wannabe elite already crossed his palm.

They think (god I can't imagine why) that this somehow colors my day or makes my Tampa experience a ... what?? What?? Who knows? I've never been able to bring myself down to their level.

Anyway .... it was so obvious. Eight cars in the lot he sees my car .. heads up .. straight for me. No one else. Which, of course, PROVES that they have my car bugged or like how else would they know I'd be there? Huh/?? Fire freaks/? Got anything to tell the heiress about that?

Love, the Heiress

Boy I've already gotten enough mileage out of your antics. Send the smart folks along, will you.

Typical Bloody Brit

If you have two blogs that are really pissing people off; what to do what to do???

Why ---- create a THIRD, of course.